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Monday, June 30, 2008

Thing #16: Wiki, Wiki little star...

The short video on Wiki in Plain English helped me understand what Wiki is all about. Some of the resources I went to were a bit confusing.

Going to the sandbox and editing text was pretty easy. I would enjoy this as a counselor for my seniors to have a discussion about things they need to be need to be doing or information they need to be gathering for their senior year. They could make lists and edit all the time.

I could also see different organizations or groups on campus getting a project done using Wiki to get organized. This helps students who cannot make it to a meeting.

I can even see this being helpful for parents who can't make our parent meeting to get connected and discuss things they missed with me or other parents.

Wiki's uses are endless.


bookeatersclub said...

And I think if we all start using wikis in place of emails (that normally generate a lot of back and forth) we could cut down on the some of the email overload...

Wikis are great for discussing, planning, and sharing of ideas for any topic or group. Glad to read that you see it working for your seniors!

IZ-A-BEL99 said...

Thanks for your insight on using Wikis for oncampus groups. I had not thought about the opportunity that this would create for other students to participate.